Currently, he is involved in three projects: Truesign, Pratu and a new Financial Advisory (FA) project. All three projects are in different stages, and he was given the opportunity to take on differing responsibilities in each project. His various roles spread across three projects have given him much insight that he would not have gained otherwise.
As the days pass, my team and I have faced many different hurdles and situations which we are unfamiliar with — during the making of the product, or when we are facing external vendors or affiliated parties, and even marketing. However, with sheer determination, we managed to pull through even the most seemingly daunting of challenges. These challenges allow us to grow and improve on our work ethic and understanding of different work processes.
Truesign is a digital signing, distributed ledger technology mobile application that keeps, tracks and transmits documents on a blockchain database.
The ongoing process of non-stop application adjustments to best fit its intended customer profile continues. The team has created the base application on Android, and the minimum viable functionality of the intended application has been completed.
Currently, the focus is on fine-tuning the application before its official launch on the public market.
The team also has plans to raise more funds through different initiatives and offerings by NTU or Enterprise Singapore, such as the SGFounder Series. They are preparing for grants applications and have been gathering feedback on how they can best present their ideas to these companies.
Pratu is a gateway for investment in fractionalized property. Investors are able to invest in real property for a fraction of the price that it would have cost them otherwise if they were to purchase the property in actuality.
The website hosting the gateway platform has been made live to the public. Members of the public are now able to browse for different properties on the website and look up the details of these different listings. Sherman and his team are preparing for its official launch. An interesting recent development would be the involvement of Thai agents, who are planning on brokering Thai property deals that are listed on the website.
Currently, the team is fixing bugs and improving the website experience based on the feedback gathered from users and agents. They also have plans to expand on the project by offering different designs of the product. Taking into account the input from property developers, they have settled on a long-term plan for the product targeting different types of audiences and potential investors.
FA Project
The FA project was originally one of the initial ideas that the VB18 program offered. However, with the complexity of the rules and regulations involving private equity funds, a decision was made to delay this project until the team had enough experience under their belt.
Now, almost 9 months down the road, it felt the opportune time to once again revisit this FA project.
The project aims to target accredited and institutional investors, where we tokenize the private equity funds and offer them on the platform for the investors to invest on.
Due to the complexities of equity funds, the set-up of the platform has proven to be difficult as well. With the introduction to Blockchain, the team wanted to provide some form of authentication online as compared to the traditional legal advisor authentication. There are other complications such as requirements of the investors and who is authorized to use the platform.
The project is targeting an audience base where accuracy is critical, therefore adding extra pressure on the team. However, with pressure comes the challenge. The team is managing and enjoying the challenge and the pressure that comes from the project.
I think rarely does a fresh graduate has the chance to be involved in such varied roles in different projects. Furthermore, it has been a pleasure working with a competent team and helpful mentors guiding us along the way. The program has widened my horizon in terms of attitude, aptitude, quality standards and many more. I believe that this unique experience that I have will serve me well, and I am thankful for the chance that has been given to me. — Sherman