Week 11

5 min readNov 30, 2020


Week 11 marks the end of our weekly check-ins with SJ from BWG Consulting, and also our participation in the 3-hour NTUit.io virtual investment game where the founders of various projects from VB18 and ideasinc.veni programme vie to earn investment dollars from a group of investors.

This week, it was our last meeting with SJ Lim of BWG Consulting. Rather sad, gonna miss SJ and his consultation/guidance/mentorship session, asking us beautiful questions sessions. — Hansen

Last Consultation with SJ
OEM cosmetics lab partner office visit

In the NTUit.io game, there are two roles:
(1) - The Investor, and the (2) - (Business) Managers.

The Investor’s main interest is for their portfolio valuation to increase. This happens by buying shares of a company earlier on, when it starts cheap and rally others on board, increasing the valuation. Thus, increasing their share price and the investor’s portfolio’s valuation.

The management’s main interest is to get their business valuation to increase. This is achieved by getting investors to listen to your pitch and giving the right pitch so investors would invest.

Enso, Pratu and Virtual Assets Analytics having deep conversations

Adriel from the winning team of NTUit.io shares with us his experience and how he won the game together with his teammate Sherman.

Outcome of the game
The game felt much like being in a chaotic fish market with everyone set up their shops and selling all sorts of different fishes, calling out to prospective buyers, telling them you’ve got the freshest and biggest fish in the whole fish market.

After 3 long hours of pitching, haggling with investors and staring at our screens, our team DLT: Pratu managed to raise about $5.29 million of monopoly money. We ended up in first place! Yay!

It wasn’t because we had the swankiest pitch or the best idea or the most potential for growth.

The reason was much simpler … We just knew the investors!

Don’t hate the player or the game
Guy Ritchie once said: “Don’t hate the player or the game. Love the game because you’re in it mate.”

It was fascinating, going through the game. It was definitely mentally grueling trying to handle all different aspects of the process, from pining for investors to enter our room, to conducting pitches and negotiating for the best prices.

After all of that, I began thinking about the whole simulation. If this game was done just like in real life, imagine how cut-throat things would be? People running around trying to steal investors to secure funds.-Adriel

Trying to persuade investors to listen to our pitch

The investment game works like a game of musical chairs. When the music is playing and everyone is walking about in a perpetual state of happiness, things are fine and dandy.

The moment the music stops, everyone rushes to grab a seat. The last individual without a chair winds up being the biggest loser. So relating to our investment game, as investees, our job requires us to grab as many investors as possible. But as investors, their job is to invest as in the right company as early as possible so that the when the music stops, the last transacted price won’t be that which they bought at and hence would not have made any money from their investment. (Sorry Papertoaster Pte Ltd)

Understand how fundraising works

Thinking through the game and it’s correlation to real life fundraising, I realised that the hardest part about securing lots of funds was not about the novelty of the idea, but rather the ability to achieve scale. Just like how Grab did.- Adriel

But on top of that, they had a good team. Based on conversations with our own mentors, a strong team is vital in securing early stage investments, more so compared to the idea itself.

If the team is a solid one, they would be extremely profitable for the investor.

Lessons Learnt: Pitching can go incredibly well, or horribly wrong

EntreCity’s Dickson’s Pitching to Potential Investors

When we pitch to investors, you really only have one shot. If you go into a pitch thinking you’re ready when you actually aren’t and you try to be-dazzle investors with smoke and mirrors and feigned confidence, you have a reckoning coming for you. If you don’t know your numbers and how to explain them correctly, you’re going to have talons stuck in your back.

As our mentor Edward once told us, if you go into YYY investment Pte Ltd and absolutely bomb your pitch with them, do you really think the repercussions just end there in the boardroom?

It certainly does not, because the people from YYY firm are probably in the same messaging groups with other investment firms. All it takes is just one investor telling every single one of their friends that you’re a clown to bring your chances to acquire an investment down to zero.

One of the pitches we made was to an investor called PSK. She came into our zoom room and we pitched to her about what Pratu was about. After our pitch was done, it turned out that she had already invested in us even before we even pitched to her and more importantly, she had received a tip-off from a fellow investor to invest in us.- Adriel

Word spreads fast in a simulation, word spreads even faster in the real world. It proves that as entrepreneurs you have to be ready all the time, with your reputation at stake. It is also essential to work on the fundamentals of business building. If you are unable to even understand the objectives of the investors and what they need to know, then clearly not enough research has been done.

Being detailed, yet concise is incredibly important because you realistically only have anywhere between 2–5 minutes to capture the attention of the investors.

Moving Forward
Although DLT:Pratu won the simulation, by no means should that hold any weight towards the actual success of the project.

We have to improve our pitch by finding the right numbers that paint a serious picture of the problem. It is also essential to condense our pitch in such a way that places key metrics of growth but does not overcrowd the investor with too much information.




From the Venture Builders of NTUitive, the Innovation and Enterprise Company of NTU — https://www.ntuitive.sg